Mutated chicken biryani

Mutated chicken Biryani

Use your imagination and add the quinoa to the picture.

I adapted the Schwartz Chicken Biryani and later on started using Tikka Masala spices instead of Biryani spices.
Seems they unfortunately don’t sell those packets anymore.. so am going to have to find out if their new Biryani and Tikka Masala spices are different or not… (they do look like it..)

Ingredients (serves 1)

  • 35-45 grams of quinoa (can also be replaced by rice, couscous and bulgar wheat)
  • 125 grams of chicken
  • 1 tomato (or more if you really like tomato!)
  • Mushrooms
  • 150-ish grams of green beans
  • Biryani or Tikka Masala spices (soo… not quite sure the Schwartz ones will do.. to be continued..!)
  • Garlic (half a clove)
  • Chicken spices
  • Black pepper + other seasoning to taste
  • Sesame seeds (optional)

How to cook 

  1. Wash and cut up your green beans. Cook them for about 5 minutes. Until they are tender but definitely not soft!
  2. Cook your quinoa according to instructions
  3. Cut up the chicken into small pieces and fry them with a bit of oil in a pan. Best to marinate chicken beforehand – but let’s be honest – we don’t have time for that. I usually just add them just before or at the start of frying the chicken.
  4. Don’t forget to add in a bit of garlic if you want!
  5. Cut up your mushrooms and add the mushrooms to the pan when the chicken is cooked.
  6. Cut up the tomato in small pieces and add when the mushrooms are cooked.
  7. Drain your green beans and add to the pan. Now also add in some of the biryani or tikka masala spices and other seasoning to taste. Let it sit for a while so the flavours can be soaked up into the food. Stir occasionally!
  8. Drain your quinoa and put it on your plate.
  9. Serve the ‘mutated chicken biryani’ with your quinoa and… Enjoy!

Additional notes

  • Easy to microwave!
  • Can be eaten cold! Not my favourite.. but you know.. just in case the microwave at work starts to look and sound like it is about to explode the safer option is to just eat it..
  • Will hopefully have an update on the spices soon…